Friday 6 June 2008

CBC goes green!

It's been a long week. Not that I've done enough to justify me saying that, but it feels it. Just about to go to revise for Family Law on Thursday but just to add that I feel really proud of myself today! I took my environmentally friendly, 'jute' bag to do the food shopping today, walked half an hour to the supermarket and half and hour or so back. Although the food was in danger of spilling all over the place, at least there were no more nasty plastic bags cluttering up the place. I feel better for it. Thighs of steel baby! (for today)

Now all I need to do is get a few hours in before I check out whether this Big Brother malarkey is worth wasting my time on. Is it wrong to like a man with a beard...(well stubble anyway).Beards can be shaven...but ugliness on the inside cannot. That's my justification and I'm sticking to it. I just saw Rupert Everett on telly sporting a spiffing beard type thing. Hm

Au Revoir



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