Monday 20 April 2009

Hai, soo desu...CBC learns Japanese

So currently, I am so stressed, I am literally shaking. For reasons I won't go into www, I am now asking what next? A bit of a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel is all I'm asking for. Even the jobs where I am offering to work for free aren't responding! Come on law firms...we can't all have gone to Oxbridge with 1sts and commendations and do work in small African villages in our spare time whilst single handedly solving world hunger. Give a normal person a chance! Sometimes, the relentless stream of applications with NO response from anyone is annoying and downright rude. Do recruiters not realise that there is a person behind those emails and phonecalls? I'm not even talking about Training Contract Applications at the moment either; paralegal work, work experience, frippin' toilet cleaning...

*and exhales*

I think I need a cup of tea and a pie. My patience is wearing thin but I'm not giving up even though the bastards are wearing me down!





cmckei said...

cbc, I just cam across your blog.

I understand you completely, I'm currently studying my LPC and both slaving away at the job applications and the general studying - alas no luck on the job front which makes me nervous about what to do when I finish (need to pay rent and all that). Firms seem decidedly unhelpful with helping people get experience and everyone is in the same boat.

But don't worry, tea helps calm the nerves. All we can hope is that our pro-activeness pays off.


The Curious Black Cat said...

Hello ttt, thank you for your comment. It is encouraging to know that I am not alone in this sufferable condition. That is not to say that I approve of it!

I think the thing to try to do is not to give up trying though (cyclic statement I admit), this is becoming increasingly more and more difficult, the more I look at my bank statements!
