Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Blogging again...

Hello blogwatchers...if there are any left at this time! It has been some weeks, months even, since I have blogged. So much upheaval and rubbish has happened, making it almost impossible to be able to concentrate on anything other than getting through each day. To spare you the details (as even I am bored of them now) I am alive and well, have FINALLY passed my LPC (though I have yet to receive my certificate), have no training contract yet but am getting back onto the applications bandwagon after a much needed mental break. I still work at the lovely bookshop where I have been working for well over a year.

I bought 'The Female Eunuch' today...and on an aside I saw Mr.John Bolch's Guide to Divorce in store today! I could barely contain my excitement as I handed it over to a colleague for a customer! Go Mr Bolch...

So dear readers, as this is a short post I will not continue my ramblings much longer, except to say Happy Christmas, and I trust that you all are well...

'Normal' blog services will resume shortly...

Much love,