Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Baby P 'PETA Posters'

Is this too far?

I was watching The Wright Stuff as per usual this morning and this topic of conversation came up. Animal rights charity, PETA has created a billboard featuring Baby P's killer with the line 'People who are violent towards animals rarely stop there'.

I'm not sure how appropriate this is, particulary since the billboard is to be put up in Haringey, the neighbourhood where Baby P was killed. I can see how the campaign will be effective and has added 'shock value' as it is real rather than being staged. BUT, as one of the callers on the Wright Stuff said, the billboard will only serve to remind the members of the community about the incident and it will almost be like a sort of 'guilt trip' since citizens supposedly should have spotted that there was something wrong.

In my opinion, it's not a bad idea or campaign as in some cases it has been proven that there is a link between animal abuse during childhood and later going on to offend. However, is it right to suggest that children who are cruel towards their pets or other animals will grow up to become murderers?

Read the story here and decide what YOU think


Sunday, 11 October 2009

A new look

For a while now, my posts have been becoming less and less frequent as I have been elsewhere...in my head. BUT, a very talented colleague has given this blog a new look (goodbye multi-coloured roses...*sniff*) which is making me feel more inspired to post a little more often.

With 'Doc Martin' in the background on the television, I'm sitting at my desk winding down after a long and emotional day at work. I just had to post to test the new- look blog! Sad? Maybe.

Still no LPC results which is making for very nervous pacing and nail biting to the extent that I have been looking at Mc Donalds in a new light; that can't be good. However, this is only a short post as I am working overtime tomorrow at the bookshop. I just felt that I needed to comment on the death of another celebrity: Stephen Gately.

Rest in peace Stephen...

Till next entry, stay smiling and on the RIGHT side of the law!



p.s. Get well soon Mr Brown!

Currently reading:
The Makioka Sisters by Junichiro Tanizaki
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan