'The Question' will be a series for this blog where every so often, I'll post a question in the title, accompanied by a short post. Its main purpose is to get bloggers and readers talking and sharing ideas. They may be controversial, funny or just plain weird. Each of the posts will be labelled so that if you want quick access to all 'The Question' topics you can find them in the topic list in the right column of the blog...
Today's question is: Why do YOU blog?
I've always wondered about this. Why do people blog? What are your motivations for starting and maintaining a blog? There are many different reasons why people choose to blog. Commercial? Professional? Passion for a subject that you want to share with other like-minded people? If I look at my first blog post I wanted this blog to be a series of observations and opinions about a number of topics, particularly life as a law student. A means of getting things off my mind...Now, nothing much has changed. Though, I have tried to steer the blog away from angsty posts about pining for a guy called Leo and now just moan about my lack of a legal job!
So, what are your motivations for blogging?
What a week
1 week ago
At the start it was for fun but now it's a hobby :) I love knowing what others in my situation/law career wise are doing
Socialising, networking, getting stuff of my chest, and something to look back at.
It's like a development portfolio in many ways, and it also opens many opportunities.
Plus, I think it's addictive...
when I first started blogging I blogged about food - it was like a diary for food and restaurants.
When I changed to doing my LPC blog is was a way to spend time and enjoy writing - since completing the LPC it has mainly been for the fun of it and I love the social side of it and hearing about other people's experiences.
I started blogging for fun... then I stopped and started again. The second time around, blogging was a way of coping and a way of letting out my thoughts without having to put my friends in an awkward position (although theres no decent substitute for a good chat with a good friend). I have no idea of the number of times I've been writing with tears running down my face. It also helped me focus on what was left of my LPC and the many things I had to get through that year. I don't keep a paper diary and the blog has ended up almost as a diary BUT I like to think its more than that. Its a space where I can clarify my thoughts and allows me, through my writing, to focus on whats most important.
I also write freely and usually don't have a clear idea of what I want to write. Theres something about typing out my thoughts that I prefer to writing them down. I guess its a privacy thing... I would never want a member of my family to see what I've written. I've felt so miserable most of the time and do my best not to let them see that.
I never thought that anyone would actually read it... Now I love that I know a goup of great bloggers (like Minxy, Trouty, Pooni, Michael and others) who've been incredibly supportive when I could have fallen apart. Its now become part of my routine and I don't think I'll stop until I get a training contract (I might even stick around after that a little).
Sorry for the super long comment!! xx
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