Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Shhh... name is CBC and I am a nail polish addict. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned or alluded to this in any of my posts but there you's all out there. Now I have stumbled upon the blog of someone who is ever crazier about nail polish than I. If you aren't into nail polish and such then I know that this will seem a little weird. But Scrangie is like nail porn!

I'm not sure that this blog is the right place to post nail swatches but don't be alarmed if you do see a photo or two of nail related stuff on here, now that the secret's out. It's not law related but it's certainly part of CBC!

Till next entry,




Michael said...

God no... you'll be turning into pink polka dot or whatever her name was soon.... I quickly banished her from my blawgroll when her blog degenerated into make-up nail-varnish hell... law student or not.


Android said...

O.M.G. That blog is amazing! I can't stop looking at it!

The Curious Black Cat said...

HAHA Dear Michael, I have no intention of letting this blog descend into make up madness just yet! It was merely another layer to my being which I had to get off my chest. Forgive me? :D neither! Good grief...

Michael said...

hehe... glad to hear it! :-)

white rabbit said...


Must be a female thing.


The Curious Black Cat said...

P'raps it is a female thing Mr Rabbit...P'raps it is. :)