Sunday 4 May 2008

Musings of a Sunday Evening...

lolcats funny cat pictures
(Image from :

Crumbs, well I haven't blogged in a while. Been rather neglectful of this blog lately. Not a huge amount to document as such. Been a quiet weekend this weekend. I've decided that I officially want to get back into crafting now...whether it be soap making or knitting, I just need to make something or paint know?

Really want to try something new...expand my horizons a bit. I've been so desperate to go Fencing for the past 3 years but never been able to yet...until now! I'm going to bug those people until zey give me a chance dammit! En Garde!! Heh.

I love all the rain we've been having in London lately. Whether that makes me a weirdo or a hopeless romantique (which I suspect is the former more than the latter) I just love the rain. It's so romantic and makes me feel all cosy even though I'm being trampled by sweaty business men in ill -fitting shiny suits or being splashed by inconsiderate cab drivers, there's something quintessentially English about rain. Not that I'd really know...being from the Caribbean and all, but I hazard a guess at this.

Recently, I've been enjoying a lot of sushi new found coolness :P. I love that crazy Wasabi rush that comes up and out of your nose when you least expect. Must make a mental note not to go on a date in a sushi restaurant...only Lord knows the freaky gurning that goes on when the Wasabi hits my nose! Leo's allergic to seafood that reminds me. Yes. I did say Leo...and before you it's still back to square 1. Nothing has changed. No better than the last time I posted. Overreact much Leo? Hmm, I can't work out men. I really can't. You try to be civil and they take it as a sign that you're coming onto them! Sheesh...though saying all this, I still try to be nice. That's my problem. I try. I care. I could be a bitch...(he would probably argue that I am already one, but we'll leave the mud-slinging to Jeremy Kyle shall we?) well more of a bitch about it. Who cares. I can hardly remember what happened. Well I can but I have more important things to stress about really. I just don't understand why he's being so totally weird about stuff. That's what bugs me. Not so much the "I can't do this anymore" thing...Hmm. I think it's okay to be scared but DON'T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. Every lawyer knows not to rely on assumptions...he should know RANT OVER!

Anyway, moving swiftly on, I've got a few good books lately. Well borrowed from the library but good as new. I'm reading "Jane Austen's Guide to Dating" by Lauren Henderson...both an educational and insightful read! Also I'm reading "Duppy Conqueror" by Ferdinand Dennis. Really good historical read encapsulating all the trials and prejudices faced by black people and tinged with traditions spanning Jamaica, Britain and Africa ultimately. I'm in the Britain phase at the moment. The 'Island Club' being the central location for the time being. So engrossed in that book! Got another book by John Grisham and one by Tess Gerritsen to get my fangs sunken into. Slurrrrrrrrrrrrp! :)

Had a "Mean Girls" night last night! I think every girl needs one now and then. Bit of teenage frolics and frippery with some man candy thrown in for good measure.

"Jason you are such a skeeze..."

"That is so fetch"

Mioaw! Not the best lines but one's which circle my head whilst I'm trying to consolidate PC (WPEP). Haha there's an abbreviation for you www!

Well my tea is getting cold. I must depart. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Schott Part 2 even though a source has informed me that it's not particularly new. I still want it!

Kitty say "Miao bye!"



P.s. Poems I like coming soon!

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