Monday 3 August 2009

Catching the 'Golden Snitch' that is pupillage...

After reading Minx's post on her pupillage application woes, I have been left with a bitter taste in my mouth. How does a woman as qualified in many ways as this not have pupillage? It gives me the beginnings of an inferiority complex about my own application situation. I know only too well how competitive the profession is, even more so in the case of BVC students seeking pupillage. Though, I too went to the wrong university, didn't get the best A-Level grades and don't have a fraction of the experience or qualifications as Minx...

I think the recruiters need to pull their socks up Minx!



p.s. It seems only wizardry to Potter standard can capture that Snitch!


Minx said...

My Dear Kitty,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I dont believe I have ever come across a profession that demands so much of its aspirants both personally and academically, to the point where those demands are not only surreal, but truly farcical. I do believe that it wont be too long before the accepted standard qualification will be Professor of Law, or something ludicrous like that - with every chance of rejection persisting on the grounds that one might be too THICK!!!!

Honestly, in any other job ALL of us - LPC AND BVC - would be welcomed as motivated self starters, and applauded for our all round efforts. Ludicrous, aint it?

You're quite right! The recruiters DO need to pull their socks up - they DON'T deserve us!!! :)

The Curious Black Cat said...

Minx, do not mention it. I can't bring myself to words so I'll just say "Bah!"